Friday, 8 January 2021


9b. Keputusan dan Perbincangan. Analisis Tanpa Jadual-2 (Bab 4). #JomTulisTesis


Sebelum ini saya ada menerangkan cara menganalisis data keputusan dan perbincangan dengan menggunakan jadual. Jadi kita ada satu lagi cara yang berbeza iaitu tanpa menggunakn jadual.


Semua bab perlu ada pengenalan dan dalam bab 4 ini kita Cuma jelaskan apa yang terkandung dalam bab ini. Jangan buat panjang lebar takut nanti jadi seperti sorortan kajian. Jadi dalam pengenalan ini tidak perlu ada rujukan sebab bila kita letak rujukan akhirnya akan jadi seperti bukan bab 4. Sebab bab 4 ini kita akan analisis data. 


Saya beri contoh objektif tentang kajian wacana tekstual animasi cerita rakyat. Jadi sebenarnya penulisan tesis ini tidak kiralah sains sosial, sains ataupu teknologi semuanya hampir sama. Jadi kalau kita tengok disini objektifnya ialah mengenal pasti wacana tekstual. Seperti biasa kita akan letak dia punya ayat dan objektif itu. Ayat itu ditulis tanpa menggunakan perkataan yang awal ini iaitu mengenal pasti atau menganalisis. Jadi yang ini pastikan jangan letak disinilah. Sebab kadang-kadang pelajar ini letak mengenal pasti wacana tekstual blab la bla kat hujung ini. Haa tak perlu. Selepas wacana tekstual kita teruskan dengan teori sebelum ini. 


Kita bermula dengan kandungan. Tpi sebelum kita nak masukkan data wacana tekstual kita perlu jelaskan juga disini haa macam ayat mukaddimahlah. Menurut Normaliza Abd Rahim (2019), wacana tekstual terbahagi kepada tiga elemen iaitu bla bla bla. Kita beri penjelasan supaya pemeriksa faham apa yang sepatutnya kita nak analisis. Jadi bila kita masukkan kandungan disini kita kena jelaskan jugalah. Kena jelaskan apa makna kandungan menurut analisis wacana Normaliza Abd Rahim (2019). Kemudian ia berbeza dengan sebelum ini iaitu tidak perlu menggunakan jadual. Contohnya kandungan ini yang sebelum ini kita dapat daripada skrip iaitu skrip satu sehingga skrip tiga puluh. Jadi lepas susun skrip itu buat sistem pengekodan daripada satu sehingga tiga puluh. Jadi kita tahu skrip yang mana kita rujuk sebenarnya. Jadi di sini contohnya dalam kandungan kita ada tema. Jadi tema itu kita boleh letaklah dalam skrip. Kita dapati bahawa skrip satu kita letaklah di tengah-tengah. Pastikan ia berbeza. Sebab ayat dia sebelah sini hingga sebelah sini. Jadi buktinya kita letak dibahagian tengah dan biasanya letak dalam italic. Kemudian contoh ni ayat dia bukti daripada skrip itu tadi. Kemudian kita boleh letaklah dibawah ini. SK 1 contohnya daripada skrip no 1. Ayat ini menunjukkan tema yang terdapat dalam skrip tersebut. Jadi awak boleh susun tema macam saya katakana tema kekeluargaan. Awak boleh beri lima contoh. TEMA KEKELUARGAAN

Semua skrip dalam ini memang ada tema kekeluargaan. Ataupun ada 10 sahaja skrip yang ada tema kekeluargaan . jadi awak boleh ambik contoh daripada situ .lima atau sepuluh contoh sebagai bukti. Terpulang kepada arahan penyelia. Kalau penyelia suruh letak semua, ikutlah letak semua ditengah-tengah tuliskan skrip atau pengekodannya SK 1. Jadi kita tahulah keseluruhan data ini mempunyai tema kekeluargaan. Setelah letak SK 1, awak buat huraian di sini. Jadi maknanya SK 1 di atas dan huraikan apa dia. Apa tema kekeluargaan?. Bukti tu dah ada kat sini. Jadi kita huraikan daripada bukti itu. Dan setelah itu awak boleh buat sokongan kajian daripada bab 2. Jadi bukti daripada tema itu disokong oleh siapa siapa siapa yang awak ambik daripada bab 2. Sokongan ini juga perlu ambik kajian 5 tahun kebelakang. Jangan nak amik tahun 1980-an.

4.2.2 KONTEKS 

Setelah selesai buat huraian, masukkan yang lain pulak . Contohnya SK 15. Kemudian terus buat huraian. Jadi yang ini tiada dalam betuk jadual tetapi perbezaannya ialah kita letak data yang kita dapat letakkan ditengah-tengah. Pastikan yang ini line dia sama. Kemudian huraiannya lebih kurang satu perenggan atau dua perenggan dan seterusnya. Ini baru satu tema. Kalau penyelia suruh buat lima tema ataupun tiga tema. Terpulang kepada pelajar yang mendapati daripada skrip ini. Ada berapa tema yang awak dapat kenal pasti. Pastikan teliti dengan baik setiap skrip agar tidak berlaku keguguran data dalam kajian. Kalau awak nak buat tiga atau lima tema, pastikan awak letak dalam batasan kajian bahawa awak Cuma analisis lima tema sahaja. Dan beri justifikasi mengapa pilih lima. Kalau tiada justifikasi memang tak boleh dan awak kena letak semua tema yang terdapat dalam skrip ini. Pastikan letak penanda wacana. Ia penting supaya kelihatan seperti penulisan akademik. Yang kedua, setelah huraian objektif


Setelah habis huraian, kita rumuskan semua huraian tersebut. Dalam ini kita boleh letak sokongan dalam bab 2 dan juga kita sokong teori. Ada dua cara. Cara yang pertama, sokong huraian dalam setiap objektif, kajian lepas. Cara yang kedua, sokong kajian lima tahun kebelakang dan juga sokong teori. Jadi rumusan ini tidak perlu hurai panjang. Sebab kalau hurai panjang dah jadi seperti kita salin balik apa yang kita dah tulis dalam bab 4. Jadi kita kena rumuskanapa keputusan dari segi kandungan, rumusan untuk konteks, kemudian terus sokong dengan teori. Ayat perlu tulis seperti kajian ini selari , hampir sama, ataupun kajian ini menyokong ataupun awak nak letak kata negatif seperti kajian ini berbeza dengan dapatan kajian daripada kajian lepas. 

Jadi dalam rumusan ini perlu ada empat atau lima nama kajian lepas yang berkait dengan kajian bab 2 itu. Itu yang menyebabkan kita punya kajian ini lebih berkualiti dan juga memang kita merujuk kepada apa yang terdapat dalam bab 2. Itu amat penting. Pastikan analisis mempunyai data yang lengkap. Cara nak lakukan pengekodan data akan saya terangkan dalam video yang lain. Tetapi ini secara ringkas sahaja. Jadi maknanya, pastikan semua bukti terdapat dalam bab 4 ini. Supaya tiada lagi persoalan tentang di mana data itu?. Serupa juga untuk analisis objektif kedua. Sama juga caranya. Jadi awak boleh letak dan buat huraian tiap-tiap satu. Huraian tak bolehlah ringkas sangat sebab ini kita punya bab. Ada juga pelajar masukkan data kat tengah tanpa jadual, kemudian objektif kedua dalam jadual,boleh bermakna kita nampak perbezaan diantara kedua objektif tersebut. Pokoknya sekarang terpulang kepada pelajar kalau dapat memberi kefahaman kepada penyelia. Jadi saya rasa yang lain tu sama macam kita nak buat analisis kajian. Jadi ingat ya, macam saya kata, dalam bab 4 .analisis bab 1 40 halaman dan bab 2 40 halaman untuk Master. Kalau dia buat PhD tambah lagi satu. Ingat ya, minima 40 halaman, jadi misalnya kalau awak rasa na lebih sikit tapi pastikan ia seimbang. Sama ya sebab ia menunjukkan kepentingan bagi setiap objektif. Kalau buat objektif 1, 20 halaman, objektif 2, 50 halaman dan objektif 3, 5 halaman, tak boleh. Kerana ia menunjukkan tiada kepentingan kepada objektif 3. Dan kurang kepentingan objektif 1. Jadi menunjukkan cara awak menganalisis itu tidak mencukupi. Jadi cara ini langsung tidak boleh. Pastikan ia seimbang. Bayangkan pelajar master atau phd, tak bolehlah terlalu sikit. Saya jumpa ada jugak pelajar buat objektif 1, 10 halaman, objektif 2, 5 halaman dan objektif 3, 1 halaman. Sebab dia kata nak menyenaraikan sahaja. Tak boleh. Ini dah tahap master phd mana boleh huraian bab 4 banyak ini sahaja. Tapi bila kita tengok tesis itu tebal. Mana datangnya tebal tu. Yang kita sangkakan mestilah bab 4 rupanya dia banyak dalam bab 3. Bab 4 ini penting ya kerana menunjukkan kita punya kajian. Bertahun-tahun kita belajar ini yang kita dapat. Sebab itu kajian kita. Kajian kita berbeza dengan kajian orang lain. Bab 4 penting sebab menunjukkan kajian kita. Penanda wacana penting. Rumusan perlu ada sokongan daripada bab 2 lima tahun kebelakang yang berkait dengan kajian. Dan bukti yang kita letak ini memang betul dan mencukupi. 


9b. Results and Discussions. Analysis Without Table-2 (Chapter 4). #Let'sWriteAThesis


Previously I have explained how to analyze decision data and discussion using tables. So we have another different way which is without using a schedule.


All chapters need an introduction and in this chapter 4 we just explain what is contained in this chapter. Do not make the length of the fear later to be like the study highlight. So in this introduction there should be no reference because when we place the reference it will eventually be like not chapter 4. Because in chapter 4 we will analyze the data.


I give an objective example of the study of animated textual discourse of folklore. So in fact the writing of this thesis no matter social science, science or technology are all almost the same. So if we look here the objective is to identify the textual discourse. As usual we will place he has that sentence and objective. The sentence was written without the use of this initial word i.e. identify or analyze. So make sure this is not placed here. Because sometimes these students just identify the textual discourse blab la bla at this end. Haa no need. After the textual discourse we proceed with the previous theory.


We start with the content. But before we want to enter the textual discourse data we need to explain here as well as the preamble sentence. According to Normaliza Abd Rahim (2019), textual discourse is divided into three elements, namely blah blah blah. We give an explanation so that the examiner understands what we should want to analyze. So when we enter the content here we have to explain as well. Need to explain what is the meaning of content according to the analysis of discourse Normaliza Abd Rahim (2019). Then it is different from before that there is no need to use the table. For example, this content that we previously got from the script that is script one to script thirty. So after compiling the script create a coding system from one to thirty. So we know which script we are actually referring to. So here for example in our content there is a theme. So that theme we can put in the script. We find that script one we put in the middle. Make sure it is different. Because his sentence is from here to here. So the proof is we put it in the middle and usually put it in italics. Then this example sentence he proof from the script earlier. Then we can put it below. SK 1 for example from script no 1. This sentence shows the theme found in the script. So you can arrange the theme like I said the family theme. You can give five examples FAMILY THEME

All the scripts in this do have a family theme. Or there are only 10 scripts that have a family theme. so you can take an example from there. five or ten examples as proof. Depends on the supervisor's instructions. If the supervisor tells you to put everything, follow the place in the middle and write the script or coding SK 1. So we know that all this data has a family theme. After placing SK 1, you make a description here. So it means SK 1 above and explain what he is. What is the family theme ?. That evidence is already here. So we elaborate on that evidence. And after that you can support the study from chapter 2. So the evidence from the theme is supported by who is who you are from chapter 2. This support should also be taken from the study 5 years later. Do not want to be friends in the 1980s.


After completing the description, enter the rest. For example SK 15. Then continue to make a description. So this one is not in the form of a table but the difference is that we put the data that we can put in the middle. Make sure this line is the same. Then the description is about one paragraph or two paragraphs and so on. This is just one theme. If the supervisor asks you to make five themes or three themes. It is up to the students who find out from this script. How many themes can you identify. Make sure to carefully examine each script so that there is no data loss in the study. If you want to make three or five themes, make sure you put in the limits of the study that you only analyze five themes. And justify why choose five. If there is no justification, it is not possible and you have to put all the themes in this script. Make sure to place the discourse marker. It is important to look like academic writing. The second, after the objective description


After finishing the description, we formulate all the descriptions. In this we can place support in chapter 2 and also we support the theory. There are two ways. The first way, support the description in each objective, the last study. The second way is to support the study of the last five years and also to support the theory. So this formula does not need a long description. Because if the long description has become like we copy what we have written in chapter 4. So we have to formulate any decision in terms of content, summary for context, then continue to support the theory. Sentences need to be written like this study in parallel, almost the same, or this study supports or you want to put negative words like this study is different from the findings of the study from the previous study. So in this summary there should be four or five names of previous studies related to the study of chapter 2. That is why we have this study more quality and also indeed we refer to what is found in chapter 2. That is very important. Make sure the analysis has complete data. How to do data encoding I will explain in another video. But this is only brief. So that means, make sure all the evidence is in this chapter 4. So that there is no more question about where the data is ?. The same is true for the second objective analysis. The same way. So you can put and make a description of each one. The description should not be too short because we have this chapter. There are also students entering the data in the middle without a table, then the second objective in the table, can mean we see the difference between the two objectives. The point is now up to the students if they can give an understanding to the supervisor. So I think the others are the same as we want to do a study analysis. So remember yes, as I said, in chapter 4 .analysis chapter 1 40 pages and chapter 2 40 pages for Master. If he does a PhD, add another one. Remember, at least 40 pages, so for example, if you feel a little more but make sure it is balanced. Same because it shows the importance of each objective. If you make objective 1, 20 pages, objective 2, 50 pages and objective 3, 5 pages, you can not. Because it shows no importance to objective 3. And less importance to objective 1. So showing the way you analyze it is not enough. So this way can not be at all. Make sure it is balanced. Imagine a master or phd student, it should not be too little. I found that there are also students for objective 1, 10 pages, objective 2, 5 pages and objective 3, 1 page. Because he said he just wanted to list. Can not. This is the level of master phd where you can describe chapter 4 a lot only. But when we look at the thesis is thick. Where does that thick come from? What we think must be chapter 4 apparently he is a lot in chapter 3. This chapter 4 is important because it shows we have a study. The years we learned this we got. That is why our study. Our study is different from the study of others. Chapter 4 is important because it shows our study. Discourse markers are important. The summary should have the support of chapter 2 five years ago related to the study. And the evidence we put in is indeed correct and sufficient.


Prof. Dr Normaliza Abd Rahim. (2020). 9b. Keputusan dan Perbincangan. Analisis Tanpa Jadual-2 (Bab 4). #JomTulisTesis. Diakses pada Januari 7, 2021 melalui pautan

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Gambar Bukti Kehadiran Minggu 11


1. Pengenalan/Pendahuluan & Latar Belakang Kajian (Bab 1). #JomTulisTesis

Bab 1 iaitu bab. Aaa. Iaitu bahagian pendahuluan ataupun kadang-kadang pelajar dia tulis sebagai bab pengenalan. Boleh jee. Yang mana satu pun boleh. Nak letak pendahuluan boleh. Nak letak pengenalan pun boleh. Jadi bab ini aaa. Kalau kita tengok dalam buku ini kita ada banyak subtopik yee. Subtopik kita ada pengenalan. Pengenalan sama dengan semua bab iaitu kita memperkenalkan apa ada dalam bab tersebut. Dengan latar belakang, masalah kajian, persoalan, objektif, kepentingan, batasan, definisi operasional, organisasi kajian dan kesimpulan. Okay. Jadi kita seperti biasa kita akan masuk 1.1 pengenalan. Jadi dalam bahagian pengenalan ini kita akan memperkenalkan apa dalam bab ini. Tapi kadang-kadang saya dapati pelajar tulis pengenalan ni dalam lebih kurang dua hingga tiga halaman macam tu. Tapi nama pun pengenalan. Pengenalan kalau kita letak panjang lebar dia dah jadi seperti latar belakang. Kadang-kadang pengisian dalam pengenalan itu kita dapati adalah seperti sorotan kajian. Dia letak pula kajian di situ. Jadi itu kita kena pastikan ye. Kita cuma nak memperkenalkan. Memperkenalkan mungkin kita kenalkan apa tentang keseluruhan tesis tersebut. Serupa juga macam kita buat bab 5 penutup. Kita nak tutup seluruh tesis. Jadi, pengenalan kita nak memperkenalkan apa yang tentang kajian dalam tesis ini yee. Jadi kalau misalnya, tak mahu awak nak buat begitu, awak boleh buat pengenalan dalam satu perenggan pun tak apa. Apa ada dalam pengenalan bab 1 ini sahaja. Jadi terpulang. Terpulang kepada pelajar yee. Tapi pastikan tidak seperti sorotan dan tidak seperti latar belakang kerana kita ada subtopik latar belakang. Jadi dalam latar belakang ini sebenarnya ia kalau kita lihat ia seperti sejarah. Ataupun yela kita nak buat kajian tentang Instagram. Jadi maksudnya kita letaklah bilakah Instagram bermula? Siapa memperkenalnya? Letak tahun kemudian datang Malaysia bila. Bagimana bentuk Instagram? Semua ada dalam ni. Ciri-ciri Instagram. Semua ada dekat dalam ni. Tetapi mesti ada rujukan. Nama pun latar belakang. Nama pun sejarah. Perlulah ada rujukan. Kalau tak ada rujukan tak bolehlah. Jangan awak kata menurut, tak ada menurut pun. Dia buat. Dia buat je sampai tiga empat halaman langsung tidak ada rujukan. Macam seolah-olah dia yang buat latar belakang tu. Itu salah. Maknanya setiap perenggan yang awak hurai dalam latar belakang perlu ada rujukan. Jadi kalau nak letak bila bermulanya Instagram, siapa memulakannya. Dia tak letak pula tahun bila dan dia ambil dari laman web mana. Hah, jadi kena ada rujukan. Jadi pentingnya latar belakang. Jadi latar belakang ini menunjukkan kalau kita pemeriksa baca, kita nak lihat bahawa. Okay tentang latar belakang Twitter contohnya macam ni macam I macam ni. Datang kat Malaysia ni. Apa kandungan Twitter itu. Apa ciri-ciri dia. Apa semua tu. Barulah saya sebagai pemeriksa faham tentang oh kajian dia bengini. Oh kajian dia nak buat begitu. Okay. Jadi masuk dalam latar belakang. Tetapi ingat bahawa latar belakang ini bukan sorotan kajian. Janganlah awak masuk menurut Normaliza Abd Rahim (2019) apa nama ni Twitter ni. Menjalankan kajian tentang bla bla bla. Dah itu dah rupa sorotan kajian. Maka berhati-hati. Jadi dalam latar belakang ini kita boleh letak lebih kurang. Kita boleh letaklah lebih kurang dua hingga tiga halaman. Kalau lebih. Ada pelajar dia letak latar belakang tu sampai 10-20 halaman. Itu dah tak boleh. Itu dah jadi baiklah buat buku sejarah yee. Tak perlu. Sebab kita nak latar belakang yang serba ringkas supaya pemeriksa faham. Yang macam saya katakan tadi. Oh pemeriksa kata “oh pelajar nak buat latar belakang begini rupanya, begitu rupanya”. Jadi ini amatlah penting. Jadi pastikan ada rujukan. Dalam latar belakang ini tak perlulah kita kata 5 tahun ke belakang. Sebab kita pun nama sejarah. Kalau sejarah maknanya dah tahun yang lama-lama. Yang maknanya latar belakang ini tidaklah terhad. Rujukan 5 tahun ke belakang. Jadi rujukan tu ni bila-bilalah tentang bila ditubuhkan apa semua tu tak ada masalah. Boleh letak dalam latar belakang. Tetapi pastikan ia daripada contohnya dia buat tentang Twitter tu tadi. Latar belakang Twitter kemudian pasti awak tulis menjurus kepada akhirnya kepada kajian awak ini. Kajian awak ini. Jadi maknanya mula-mula dia punya secara meluas. Kemudian meluas tentang siapa mulakan apa semua kemudian menjurus, menjurus akhirnya hampir kepada kita punya kajian. Itu namanya latar belakang kajian. Mestilah berkaitan dengan kajian kita ye.


1.Introduction/Introduction & Background of the Study (Chapter 1). #JomTulisTesis

Chapter 1 is chapter. Aaa. That is the introductory part or sometimes the student he writes as an introductory chapter. Can jee. Which one can. Want to put the advance can. If you want to put an introduction, you can. So this chapter aaa. If we look in this book we have many subtopics yee. Our subtopic has an introduction. The introduction is the same as all the chapters i.e. we introduce what is in the chapter. With background, research problems, questions, objectives, interests, limitations, operational definitions, study organization and conclusions. Okay. So we as usual we will enter 1.1 introduction. So in this introductory section we will introduce what is in this chapter. But sometimes I find students writing this introduction in about two to three pages like that. But the name is an introduction. Introduction if we put it at length he has become like a background. Sometimes the filling in the introduction we find is like a study highlight. He also put the study there. So we have to make sure ye. We just want to introduce. Introducing maybe we introduce what about the whole thesis. It's the same as we did chapter 5 cover. We want to close the whole thesis. So, our introduction wants to introduce what is about the study in this thesis. So if for example, you do not want to do that, you can make an introduction in one paragraph is okay. What is in the introduction to this chapter 1 only. So it depends. Depends on the student yee. But make sure it is not like a highlight and not like a background because we have a background subtopic. So in this background it is actually if we see it as history. Or yes we want to do a study on Instagram. So do we mean when to start Instagram? Who introduced it? Put a year later came Malaysia when. What does Instagram look like? Everything is in here. Instagram features. Everything is close in here. But there must be a reference. The name is also the background. The name is history. There must be a reference. If there is no reference, it is not allowed. Do not say obey, no one obeys. He did. He made je up to three or four pages directly without reference. It was as if he was the one who made the background. That's wrong. This means that every paragraph you parse in the background must have a reference. So if you want to put it when Instagram starts, who starts it. Student did not put the year when and they took from which website. Huh, so there must be a reference. So the importance of background. So this background shows that if we examiners read, we want to see that. Okay about the Twitter background for example like this like I like this. Come to Malaysia. What is the content of Twitter? What are his characteristics. What is all that. Only then did I as an examiner understand about oh study he like this. Oh study he wants to do that. Okay. So get in the background. But remember that this background is not the focus of the study. Do not enter according to Normaliza Abd Rahim (2019) what is the name of this Twitter. Conduct a study on blah blah blah. That's what the study highlights look like. So be careful. So in this background we can put more or less. We can put about two to three pages. If more. There are students who set the background up to 10-20 pages. That is no longer possible. That 's so good for ya history books. No need. Because we want a simple background so that the examiner understands. Like I said earlier. Oh the examiner said "oh students want to create a background like this apparently, so apparently". So this is very important. So make sure there is a reference. In this background we do not need to say 5 years ago. Because we are also the name of history. If history means a long time ago. Which means this background is not limited. Reference 5 years back. So this reference is when it comes to when everything is established, there is no problem. Can be placed in the background. But make sure it is from the example he made about Twitter just now. The background of Twitter then sure you write leads to the end of your study. This is your study. So that means first of all he has it widely. Then spread about who started what all then lead, lead finally almost to us have a study. That is the name of the study background. Must be related to our study ya.


Prof. Dr Normaliza Abd Rahim. (2020). 1. Pengenalan/Pendahuluan & Latar Belakang Kajian (Bab 1). #JomTulisTesis. Diakses pada Januari 8, 2021 melalui pautan

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Gambar Bukti Kehadiran Minggu 11


2. Pernyataan Masalah/Masalah Kajian (Bab 1). #JomTulisTesis

Jadi, bab 1. Kita teruskan 1.3 Pernyataan masalah. Okay. Pernyataan masalah ataupun masalah. Okay dalam pernyataan masalah biasanya pelajar mempunyai masalah. Nama pun pernyataan masalah. Masalah macam mana nak tulis pernyataan masalah. Ini sangat kritikal ye. Dan sangat penting. Kadang-kadang pelajar dia letak sampai 10 halaman masalah. Nak huraikan tentang pernyataan masalah. Bila kita baca langsung tiada masalah. Jadi berhati-hati. Dan juga pelajar selalu letak pernyataan masalah tu, dia letak yang dia rasa. Macam saya dapati bahawa pelajar tidak pandai mengira 1-10. Awak tu siapa? Jadi kita tak boleh. Kita kena ada rujukan. Pernyataan masalah, rujukan merupakan perkara yang penting. Perkara yang penting. Maknanya kita perlu rujuk. Perlu rujuk siapa yang punya kajian yang menunjukkan ada masalah dalam kajian tersebut. Ataupun kenyataan daripada orang ini. Daripada Normaliza Abd Rahim (2019) mendaoati bahawa pelajar kurang berminat untuk, untuk mendengar ataupun mendengar cerita yang berbentuk sekian sekian sekian. Jadi itu dah macam menunjukkan benda negatif. Dan juga huraian daripada kajian Normaliza Abd Rahim itu mendapati bahawa lima pelajar didapati, didapati tidak boleh menggunakan kata kerja dalam, dalam penulisan karangan. Contoh dia. Dah itu dah nampak masalah. Sebab masalah itu bila kita dapati kita huraikan sikit kemudian masalah Normaliza Abd Rahim itu tadi disokong oleh kajian yang dijalankan oleh Nur Maisarah Roslan (2019) yang mendapati bahawa pelajar tidak dapat mengenal pasti kata kerja dalam, dalam membina membina soalan. Contoh dia. Contoh ye. Jadi, jadi ada lah sokong dua kajian ini sokong bahawa timbulnya masalah tersebut. Okay barulah betul. Jadi itu yang menunjukkan masalah. Huraian kita tu. Jadi sekarang pelajar nak tahu biasanya dia buat macam mana. Dia pergi buat. Okay contohnya kajian itu tentang kata kerja. Yang awak punya kajian tentang kata adjektif. Contoh dia. Jadi awak boleh buat, kajian oleh Normaliza Abd Rahim tidak berfokus pada kajian tentang kata adjektif. Itu dikatakan pernyataan masalah. Salah tu. Tidak boleh. Tidak boleh. Tidak boleh. Macam seolah-olah memanglah dia buat kata kerja sebab kata kerja sebab dia berfokus kepada kajian kata kerja. Tetapi awak tidak boleh kata lah dia tidak buat pasal kata adjektif. Memanglah dia tak buat kata adjektif sebab dia berfokus pada kata kerja. Jadi salah begitu ye. Jadi penghuraian di sini. Macam saya katakan, perlu ada ayat yang dinyatakan oleh pengkajitersebut dalam artikel dia. Jadi pernyataan masalah ini terbahagi kepada objektif. Kalau contoh objektif ada dua. Jadi ada dua perenggan di sini. Kalau objektif ada tiga maknanya ada tiga perenggan. Satu. Dua. Tiga. Jadi huraian dalam ini, huraian daripada kajian dan disokong oleh siapa. Okay. Disokong oleh siapa. Ayat macam saya katakan tadi ye. Kemudian hujung ayat tu awak kata, justeru kajian ini. Sebab berkaitan tu dah nampak jurang penyelidikan dia dalam ni. Justeru, kajian ini ingin mengenal pasti. Mengenl pasti wacana tekstual skrip animasi bla bla bla. Sebab dia dapati daripada kat sini ni bahawa kajian itu mendapati bahawa pelajar, contohnya pelajar ataupun skrip animasi tidak, skrip animasi tidak melambangkan apa dia apa dia apa dia. Jadi itu kajian menurut orang tu, orang tu cakap. Bukan kita yang cakap. Orang tu cakap. Jadi serupa juga dengan yang ini. Kena ada sokong. Kajian ini didapati ini ada masalah kajian dalam tu. Yang mana pelajar tidak boleh mengenal pasti kata adjektif. Contoh dia. Kemudian, justeru kajian ini ingin menganalisis kata adjektif yang terdapat dalam penulisan karangan kanak-kanak. Macam contoh masalah pernyataan masalah ketiga. Okay. Menurut Nur Widad Roslan (2019) pelajar didapati tidak, didapati tidak boleh, tidak berminat dan tidak boleh mengira nombor 1-20. Contoh dia. Kajian dia. Kajian dia didapati begitu. Justeru, kajian ini ingin menganalisis. Okay menganalisis. Menganalisis apa nama pengiraan ataupun aktiviti pelajar dalam mengira. Mengira nombor dari 1-20. Jadi kita kena kaitkan hujung ayat perenggan itu kaitkan dengan objektif ini. Hujung ayat ni kaitkan dengan objektif ni. Hujung ayat ni kaitkan dengan objektif ketiga. Jadi barulah ada pernyataan masalah ini berkaitan dengan awak punya objektif. Jadi rujukan. Dalam rujukan yang dalam ini. Dalam permasalahan kajian ini perlulah 5 tahun ke belakang. Kita tak bolehlah, kita ambil apa nama pernyataan masalah daripada yang lama-lama. Sebab kita kena faham bahawa kajian yang dijalankan sekarang ini semuanya dah berbeza. Ye dah berbeza dengan kita mempunyai teknik. Kita dah arr dunia digital. Jadi budak-budak pun pandai.macam saya katakan sebelum ini. Zaman dulu bolehlah kata eiii budak ni pandai betul. Cerdik betul. Kita tanya satu soalan dia jawab 10 jawapan. Pandai. Tetapi dunia digital sekarang ini berbeza. Yang mana sekarang budak-budak kita tanya soalan dia bagi jawapan samapai 47. Sampai kita kata, okay berhenti. Jangan bagi jawapan dah. Letih cikgu nak dengar. Aaaa. Jadi ada budak-budak tu sampai sekarang macam ni ye. Dia dah lebih, dah lebih ke hadapan. Sebab kita dah ada dunia digital ni masing-masing ada dah telefon mudah alih. Telefon bimbit masing-masing dalam beg. Kadang-kadang telefon dia lebih mahal daripada telefon kita. Bertabahlah kita ye. Aaa jadi pastikan pernyataan masalah ini betul. Tak perlu panjang lebar kerana apa yang terdapat rujukan dalam ini. Dalam ini dan dalam ini semuanya ada huraian yang lebih panjang lebar dalam bab 2. Aaa. Jadi pernyataan masalah ni, nama-nama ni mesti ada lah dalam bab 2. Tak bolehlah awak ada nama-nama ni kemudian pemeriksa kata, “eh mana pergi nama-nama yang awak dah kata dalam pernyataan masalah tak ada dalam bab 2”. Aaaa, tak boleh. Ini secara ringkas yang dikatakan tentag pernyataan masalah ini. Ini kita secara terperinci. Tentang kajian seluruh-seluruhnya. Tentang orang ini. Normaliza Abd Rahim (2009) kajian dia secara menyeluruh ni dengan panjang lebar. Jadi maknanya kena ada lah. Ada yang ini nama awak sorot dari sini. Aaa, ambil rujukan sini. Mesti ada dalam ini. Pastikan betul yee pernyataan masalah ini. Amat penting. Jadi biasanya pelajar dia dapati bahawa agak sukar untuk menulis pernyataan masalah. Jadi sekarang, bila dah belajar ni dah tak ada masalah. 


2. Problem Statement/Research Problem (Chapter 1). #JomTulisTesis

So, chapter 1. We continue 1.3 Problem statement. Okay. Statement of problem or problem. Okay in problem statement usually students have problems. The name is also a statement of problems. How to write a problem statement. This is very critical. And very important. Sometimes students put up to 10 pages of problems. Want to explain about the problem statement. When we read at all there is no problem. So be careful. And also the student always puts the statement of the problem, he puts what he feels. Like I found that students are not good at counting 1-10. Who are you? So we can't. We need a reference. Problem statement, reference is important. The important thing. That means we need to refer. Need to refer who has a study that shows there is a problem in the study. Or a statement from this person. From Normaliza Abd Rahim (2019) argues that students are less interested in, to hear or hear stories that are shaped so much. So that kind of shows negative things. And also the description from Normaliza Abd Rahim's study found that five students were found, found unable to use verbs in, in essay writing. An example of him. That's already a problem. The reason for the problem is when we find that we describe a little later the problem of Normaliza Abd Rahim was supported by a study conducted by Nur Maisarah Roslan (2019) who found that students can not identify verbs in, in building construct questions. An example of him. An example is. So, so there is support for these two studies to support that the problem arises. Okay then that's right. So that shows the problem. That's our description. So now students want to know what he usually does. He went for it. Okay for example the study is about verbs. That you have a study of adjectives. An example of him. So you can do, the study by Normaliza Abd Rahim does not focus on the study of adjectives. That is said to be a statement of problem. That's wrong. No way. No way. No way. It seems like he did make verbs because of verbs because he focused on the study of verbs. But you can't say he didn't make adjectives. Of course he does not make adjectives because he focuses on verbs. So wrong so ye. So the description here. Like I said, there must be a sentence mentioned by the researcher in his article. So the statement of this problem is divided into objectives. If the objective example has two. So there are two paragraphs here. If the objective has three meanings there are three paragraphs. One. Two. Three. So the description in this, the description from the study and supported by who. Okay. Supported by whom. A sentence like I said earlier. Then at the end of the sentence you say, hence this study. Related reasons have seen his research gap in this. Therefore, this study would like to identify. Mengenl definitely discourse textual animated script blah blah blah. Because he found out from here that the study found that students, for example students or animated scripts do not, animated scripts do not symbolize what he is or what he is. So that's a study according to that person, that person said. We are not the ones talking. That person spoke. So similar to this one. There must be support. This study found that there is a study problem in there. Which students can not identify adjectives. An example of him. Then, therefore, this study would like to analyze the adjectives found in children's essay writing. Kind of an example of a third problem statement problem. Okay. According to Nur Widad Roslan (2019) students are found not, found can not, not interested and can not count numbers 1-20. An example of him. Study him. His study found that. Therefore, this study wants to analyze. Okay analyze. Analyze what is the name of the calculation or student activity in calculating. Count numbers from 1-20. So we have to relate the end of the sentence of the paragraph to this objective. The end of this sentence is related to this objective. The end of this sentence is related to the third objective. So then there is a statement of this problem related to you having an objective. Be a reference. In this in-depth reference. In the problem of this study should be 5 years back. We can't, we take the name of the problem statement from the old one. Because we have to understand that the study conducted now is all different. Ye different from we have technique. We have arr the digital world. So the boys are smart. Like I said before. In the old days, you could say that eiii this kid is really smart. That's right. We asked one question he answered 10 answers. Smart. But the digital world today is different. Which now our boys ask her questions for answers up to 47. Until we say, okay stop. Do not share the answer. Teacher is tired of hearing. Aaaa. So there are those slaves until now like this. He's more, he's more forward. Because we already have the digital world, each of us already has a mobile phone. Each cell phone in the bag. Sometimes her phone is more expensive than our phone. Let us persevere ya. Aaa so make sure the statement of this problem is correct. No need for length because there is a reference in this. In this and in this all there is a more detailed description in chapter 2. Aaa. So the statement of this problem, these names must be in chapter 2. You can not have these names then the examiner said, "eh where to go the names that you said in the problem statement are not in chapter 2". Aaaa, you can't. This is briefly said about the statement of this problem. Here we are in detail. About the study as a whole. About this person. Normaliza Abd Rahim (2009) her comprehensive study at length. So the meaning must be there. There is this your name is highlighted from here. Aaa, take the reference here. Must be in this. Make sure the statement of this problem is correct. Very important. So usually students finds that it is quite difficult to write a problem statement. So now, when already learn this, there is no problem. 


Prof. Dr Normaliza Abd Rahim. (2020). 2. Pernyataan Masalah/Masalah Kajian (Bab 1). #JomTulisTesis. Diakses pada Januari 8, 2021 melalui pautan

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3. Persoalan Kajian/Objektif Kajian (Bab 1). #JomTulisTesis

Bab satu. 1.4. Kalau kita tengok di sini 1.4 persolaan kajian dan objektif kajian 1.5. Jadi kita ambil persoalan kajian. Okay. Jadi persoalan kajian dengan objektif kajian perlulah sejajar. Okay. Perlulah sejajar kerana ia berkaitan. Jadi sekarang ini contoh kita ambil contoh yang ini. Persoalan kajian. Tengok beza sini. “Mengenal pasti wacana tekstual skrip animasi cerita rakyat Melayu”. Ini objektif dia. “Apakah wacana tekstual skrip animasi cerita rakyat Melayu?”. Jadi ini kalau misalannya objektif dia dan persoalan dia ada satu. Jadi persoalan dia teruslah. Maknanya kita dah boleh faham dah. Tapi kalau contohnya “Menganalisis kesan skrip animasi cerita rakyat Melayu dalam kalangan pelajar sekolah” kita boleh jadi dua soalan daripada satu objektif, iaitu “Sejauh manakah kesan skrip animasi cerita rakyat Melayu dalam kalangan pelajar sekolah rendah?”.“Bagaimanakah pelajar memberi pendapat melalui skrip animasi cerita rakyat Melayu?”. Jadi kedua-dua soalan ini sebenarnya akan menjawab objektif dua. Kena ingat apa sahaja dalam objektif ini kita memang persoalkan semula sebab kita nak tahu sejauh mana kesan tu. Bagaimana cara dia. Jadi itu akan menjawab objektif ini. Bila kita analisis data ni memang ini akan terjawab. Okay. Serupa juga macam contohnya,“menghasilkan repertoir perbualan melalui animasi cerita rakyat Melayu dalam kalangan pelajar sekolah rendah” yang ini sebenarnya ada temu bual. Temu bual dalam kalangan pelajar sekolah rendah tentang skrip animasi tersebut. Jadi dia bagi pendapat. Persoalan dia “Sejauh mankah repertoir dibina melalui ini ini ini?”. Bagaimana? Dan apakah cara perbualan? Jadi ini terjawablah dalam tu apakah cara perbualan dia? Adakah cara perbualan dia memang berdua atau bertiga atau berempat ataupun memang dia seorang. Tapi nak kata dia seorang, nak berbual dengan siapa pula. Okay. Mungkin dengan penyelidik. Soalan ketiga, “Apakah kategori repertoir?”. Okay. Jadi maknanya dia hasilkan repertoir ada tiga soalan di sini. Sejauh manakah? Apakah cara perbualan? Apakah kategori dia? Memang setelah itu nanti bila kita menganalisis data, memang kita akan dapati terjawablah soalan ketiga-tiga ini. Jadi, bukanlah semestinya satu objektif, satu. Boleh juga satu objektif, tiga soalan tapi sebenarnya bila kita analisis data memang akan terjawab tiga-tiga soalan ini. Macam yang nombor dua, analisis kesan skrip animasi akan ada dua persoalan. Bila kita analisis memang ohh lah memang kita jawablah dua soalan ini. Kita dapati bahawa memang kita jawab dua soalan ini. Bila yang objektif satu, “mengenal pasti wacana tekstual” memang kita ada satu contohnya. Boleh juga nak buat dua tapi kita tengoklah cara kita analisis data tu terjawab tak soalan ni. Bila kita buat analisis kita tengok balik soalan. Terjawab tak? Jadi bila dah terjawab tu memang betullah. Jadi janganlah kita letak ketiga-tiga objektif atau semua dua-dua objektif ada satu sahaja persoalan. Jadi, kita boleh letak dua atau tiga. Kadang-kadang ada pelajar letak sampai empat sebab dia nak pastikan bahawa bila dia analisis data tu memang terjawab empat-empat soalan tersebut. Kalau contohnya, “Menghasilkan buku panduan penulisan skrip animasi cerita rakyat”. Contohnya kalaulah pelajar tu buat ada empat objektif. Jadi sejauh manakah skrip animasi cerita rakyat Melayu dihasilkan. Apakah cara untukmenghasilkan buku panduan penulisan skrip animasi cerita rakyat. Jadi, yang ini memang ini akan jadi kebaharuan. Nombor tiga kebaharuan, nombor empat kebaharuan bagi awak punya tesis. Benda baharu yang kita nak sebarkan ke seluruh dunia. Jadi yang ini kita akan ada dua persolan di sini. Sejauh manakah buku panduan dihasilkan? Apakah cara dia? Jadi bila buat ini memang kita pastikan bila kita analisis data kita pastikan kita jawab dua-dua soalan ini. Jadi bila kita nak tulis objektif, kita pastikan kita persoalkan. Apa benda yang kita akan dapati bila kita analisis data nanti. Adakah ini? Adakah itu? Jadi sebab itulah kita ada beberapa soalan untuk satu objektif. Ini ada dua soalan satu objektif. Ini ada tiga soalan. Ini ada ini. Tapi soalan dia memang berkisarkan tentang objektif ini tadi tak lari. Tak lari. Tetapi memang sebagai penyelidik yang bagus memang dia akan persoalkan supaya nanti bila kita, macam ini “Dibina repertoir” “Sejauhmana reperoir dibina?”, “Apakah cara perbualan dia?” cara perbualan tu kita kena huraikanlah. “Apakah kategori?” sebab kita nak kategorikan repertoir tersebut untuk objektif ketiga ini. Jadi kita pastikan kita jawab semua soalan ini. Jadi pelajar semua harap, bila kita dah lihat apakah objektif kita, kita pastikan persoalan kita tu menjawab persoalan melalui objektif kita. Dan kita perlu pastikan bahawa semula saya katakan bahawa apa yang kita analisis itu akan terjawablah soalan-soalan yang kita tanya pada diri kita persoalan ini. Dan pemeriksa bila dia baca ohh okay soalan dia begini memang saya dapati ada dalam bab 4. Okay kita dapati bahawa pelajar memang tulis kategori repertoir itu dan bahagian repertoir bermakna memang tesis ini berjaya sebab dia boleh menjawab persoalan daripada objektif yang dia cadangkan untuk tesis dia. Jadi pastikan bahawa 1.4 persoalan kajian, 1.5 objektif. Perkataan ini yang diambil ini seperti ini mengenal pasti, menganalisis, menghasilkan. Ini ada dalam sini kalau kita dapat lihat awak kena pastikan bahawa objektif satu yang awak pilih itu perlulah dari kalau kita lihat di sini, sekejap, saya ada cadangkan. Ia di sini. Cadangan senarai kata kerja. Ini ya. Kata kerja operasional taksonomi Bloom. Jadi, kita pastikan objektif satu tu rendah. Okay. Kalau C1 tu dia rendah. Rendah. Macam tadi mengenal pasti tu ada. Mengenal pasti ada. Kemudian bila objektif dua kita nak analisis kenalah tinggi. Kita tengoklah mana bersesuaian. Kita baca dulu. Yang mana bersesuain untuk objektif kedua. Kalau untuk aplikasi apa dia? Untuk analisis apa dia? Ini tadi kita pilih untuk objektif kedua analisis. Itu dah tinggi dah C4 maknanya memang kita analisis secara mendalam. Secara mendalam ya. Kemudian kita nak letak meghasilkan tu kita letak C6. Kita nak hasilkan tadi kan. Ingat takkita nak hasilkan repertoir ataupun kita nak hasilkan buku panduan apa ke. Ini perkataan-perkataan dia. Ini pastikan bahawa objektif satu janganlah awak ambil C5, awak nak nilai tiba-tiba objektif dua rendah pula awak masuk mengenal pasti dah salah. Dia mesti daripada kecil, daripada mudah ini hinggalah kita naik naik sehinggalah ke C6. C6. Jadi pastikan pemilihan perkataan-perkataan ini bersesuaian objektif bersesuain dan juga ikut tahap dia rendah ke tinggi. Objektif satu rendah,objektif dua tinggi sikit, objektif tiga lagi tinggi. Janganlah objektif satu rendah, objektif dua awak letak okay tinggi betul C6 tadi kemudian objektif 3 ohh turun pula balik. Salah. Kena ikut tingkat macam kita naik tangga. Rendah naik naik. Jadi ambil daripada sini. Pastikan bahawa perkataan itu bersesuaian dengan objektif kita. Jadi kena besesuai. Dan lagi satu. Lagi satu bila kita tulis objektif ini contoh mengenal pasti, ada pula pelajar nombor dua mengenal pasti juga kemudian nombor tiga mengenal pasti lagi, nombor empat mengenal pasti. Dah empat-empat mengenal pasti. Jadi itu tak boleh. Itu semuanya tahap yang rendah. Tahap yang rendah ni tidak bersesuaian asyik nak mengenal pasti je. Dah kenapa kan? Kita nak lah juga analisis. Jadi tak boleh. Jadi macam ini saya bagi contoh kalau dia buat empat objektif. Biasanya objektif ada tiga sahaja. Kalau ada empat pun, kalau ini hasil repertoir, ini buku panduan ini berbeza. Jadi bolehlah dia nak tukar. Contohnya, menghasilkan, jadi dia boleh nak tukar. Kalau kita tengok sini dia ada banyak. Kita ada mengatur, mengkategorikan, menyusun, membangun. Ada banyaklah. Merencana, merumuskan pun boleh. Kita letak ini merumus. Jadi kalau ini dah misalnya C6, bolehlah C6 ini C6 yang ini. Jadi boleh rujuk dalam buku ini kalau tiada pun bolehlah rujukdalam internet. Kalau jumpa. Okay. Pastikan ye, ingat saya katakan tadi. Saya ulang balik. Pastikan kategori dia mesti daripada rendah kemudian tinggi sikit kemudian tinggi lagi supaya nampak dia punya perbezaan. Cara kita nak menganalisis data tersebut. Jadi pemilihan perkataan ni amat penting dalam penulisan objektif kajian.


3.Research Questions/Research Objectives (Chapter 1). #JomTulisTesis

Chapter one. 1.4. If we look here 1.4 study questions and study objectives 1.5. So we take the research question. Okay. So the research questions with the research objectives need to be aligned. Okay. Must be aligned as it relates. So now this is an example we take this example. Research questions. Look at the difference here. "Identifying the textual discourse animation script Malay folklore". This is the objective. "What is the textual discourse Malay folklore animation script?". So this is if for example his objective and the question he has one. So the question he continues. That means we can already understand. But if for example "Analyzing the effect of animation script Malay folklore among schoolchildren" we can be two questions from one objective, which is "To what extent the effects of animation script Malay folklore among elementary school students?"."How do students give opinions through animation script Malay folklore?". So these two questions will actually answer objective two. We have to remember that in this objective we really question again because we want to know the extent of the effect. How is he. So that will answer this objective. If we analyze this data, this will be answered. Okay. A similar kind of example, "generate conversation through animation repertoire Malay folklore among primary school students" who actually have an interview. Interviews among primary school students about the animated script. So he shared his opinion. His question is "How far is the repertoire built through this and this?". How? And what is the way of conversation? So this is answered in tu what is the way he talks? Is the way he talks really two or three or four or is he really one. But I want to say he is alone, I want to talk to anyone. Okay. Probably with researchers. The third question, "What is the category of repertoire?". Okay. So that means he produced a repertoire there are three questions here. How far? What is the way of conversation? What is her category? Indeed, after that when we analyze the data, we will find that these three questions are answered. So, it is not necessarily one objective, one. It can also be an objective, three questions but in fact when we analyze the data will be answered these three questions. As with number two, the analysis of the effects of animated scripts will have two questions. When we analyze it, ohh, we do answer these two questions. We find that we do answer these two questions. When the objective is one, "identify textual discourse" we do have an example. You can also want to do two, but let's see how we analyze the data, this question is not answered. When we do an analysis we look back at the question. Did you answer? So when it is answered, it is true. So let us not put all three objectives or all two objectives have only one question. So, we can put two or three. Sometimes there are students who put up to four reasons he wants to make sure that when he analyzes the data, the four questions are answered. For example, "Produce a guidebook for writing animated scripts of folklore". For example, if the student makes four objectives. So to what extent the animation script generated Malay folklore. What is the way to produce a folktale animated script writing guidebook. So, this one is indeed going to be a novelty. Number three novelty, number four novelty for you have a thesis. New things we want to spread all over the world. So this one we will have two questions here. To what extent is the handbook produced? What is her way? So when we do this we make sure when we analyze the data we make sure we answer these two questions. So when we want to write an objective, we make sure we ask questions. What will we find when we analyze the data later. Is this? Is that? So that is why we have several questions for one objective. Here are two questions one objective. Here are three questions. Here it is. But his question really revolved around this objective did not run away. Do not run. But as a good researcher, he will question so that later when we, like this "Built repertoir" "How far is the reperoir built?", "What is the way he talks?" We have to explain that way of conversation. "What is a category?" because we want to categorize the repertoire for this third objective. So we make sure we answer all these questions. So students all hope, when we have seen what our objectives are, we make sure our questions answer the questions through our objectives. And we need to make sure that again I say that what we analyze will answer the questions we ask ourselves this question. And the examiner when he read ohh okay his question is like this I did find it in chapter 4. Okay we find that the student did write the repertoire category and the repertoire section means indeed this thesis is successful because he can answer the questions from the objectives he proposed for his thesis. So make sure that 1.4 research questions, 1.5 objectives. This word is taken as it identifies, analyzes, produces. This is in here if we can see you have to make sure that the objective one you choose should be from if we see here, for a moment, I have a suggestion. It's here. Suggested verb list. Here it is. Bloom's taxonomic operational verbs. So, we make sure the objective one is low. Okay. If C1 is low. Low. Like just identifying that there is. Identify there. Then when the two objectives we want to analyze must be high. Let's see where it fits. We read first. Which is appropriate for the second objective. If for what application is he? For what analysis is? This we just chose for the second objective of the analysis. That is already high, C4 means that we have in-depth analysis. In depth yes. Then we want to put produce then we put C6. We want to produce just now, right? Remember we do not want to produce a repertoire or we want to produce a guidebook. These are her words. This makes sure that objective one you do not take C5, you want to suddenly value objective two low then you go in identify wrong. He must be from small, from this simple until we go up and down to C6. C6. So make sure the selection of these words matches the appropriate objectives and also follow his level low to high. Objective one low, objective two slightly higher, objective three more high. Don't let objective one be low, objective two you put okay high right C6 earlier then objective 3 ohh go down again. Wrong. Have to follow the level like we went up the stairs. Low ups and downs. So take it from here. Make sure that the word fits our objective. So be careful. And one more. Another is when we write this objective example of identifying, there are students number two identify also then number three identify again, number four identify. The four have identified. So that can't be. That's all low level. This low level is not suitable for fun to identify. Why? We also want analysis. So you can't. So like this I give an example if he makes four objectives. Usually there are only three objectives. If there are four, if this is the result of the repertoire, this guidebook is different. So maybe he wants to change. For example, produce, so he can want to change. If we look here he has a lot. We have to organize, categorize, organize, build. There are many. Planning, formulating is also possible. We put this formulated. So if this is for example C6, this C6 can be this C6. So you can refer to this book if there is none, you can refer to the internet. See you. Okay. Make sure ye, remember I said earlier. I repeat. Make sure his category must be from low then high a little then high again so that it looks like he has a difference. The way we want to analyze the data. So the choice of words is very important in writing the objectives of the study.



Prof. Dr Normaliza Abd Rahim. (2020). 3. Persoalan Kajian/Objektif Kajian (Bab1).  #JomTulisTesis. Diakses pada Januari 8, 2021 melalui pautan

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Gambar Bukti Kehadiran Minggu 11


4. Batasan Kajian (Bab 1). #JomTulisTesis

Jadi kita sambung dalam bab 1, kita ada 1.7 iaitu batasan kajian. Yang ini juga pelajar selalu buat silap ataupun dia terlupa nak letak. Jadi biasanya, kalau saya cadangkan dalam penulisan batasan kajian, mulanya awak boleh buat dalam bentuk jadual. Okay dalam bentuk jadual. Jadi ini batasan dia. Yang ini justifikasi. Batasan kajian ini ialah kita nak menyatakan apa justifikasi. Kenapa kita pilih sampel itu? Kenapa kita pilih instrumen itu? Kenapa kita buat soal selidik? Jadi kita kena letak. Contohnya kita letak batasan 20 pelajar. 20 pelajar SK Serdang. Contoh dia. Okay. Jadi beri justifikasi. Kenapa awak pilih 20 pelajar ini. Okay. 20 pelajar tadi awak pilih pula 9 tahun. Okay. Kenapa awak pilih? Kenapa awak pilih pelajar 20 pelajar daripada SK Serdang? Jadi kalau jumlah dia, kenapa 20? Kenapa tak 30? Kenapa tak 21? Kenapa tak 19? Beri justifikasi. Kemudian, kenapa SK Serdang? Kalau SK Serdang awak nak letak yang kedua boleh. Kenapa SK Serdang? Jadi nyatakan. Kenapa tak sekolah dekat Perlis? Kenapa bukan sekolah dekat Terengganu. Jadi awak kena beri justifikasi kenapa sekolah ini. Kemudian ada lagi. Kenapa. Apa pemilihan awak punya. Biasanya batasan kajian awak ni daripada awak ambil daripada metodologi. Okay. Daripada metodologi tentang dia punya sampel ataupun dia punya responden. Lokasi kajian ataupun awak pakai buku. Buku teks bahasa Melayu tingkatan 5. Kenapa? Kenapa pilih itu? Beri justifikasi. Okay. Dalam justifikasi ini awak boleh letak ayat awak justifikasi. Kemudian letaklah misalnya awak ada rujukan yang si Normaliza Abd Rahim, 2019 mengatakan bahawa ini ini ini. Dia katakan bahawa memang boleh 20 pelajar. Ini contoh ya. Jadi awak letak justifikasi. Kenapa pemilihan SK Serdang menurut Menteri Pendidikan contohnya SK Serdang merupakan sekolah luar bandar yang sekian sekian sekian. Jadi itu awak letak. Tapi ini ringkas ya dalam justifikasi kerana ini jadual. Jadual berapa. Ini apa nama justifikasi. Kemudian awak huraikan pula, sekarang ini. Ini dah tulis dalam bentuk jadual. Ini ambil daripada metodologi apa dia. Kalau awak kata awak pakai temu bual. Temu bual secara ini. Kenapa justifikasi itu. Dia benda-benda ini perlu ada justifikasi. Kadang-kadang ada orang tak letak sebab dah memang tahu buat temu bual apa semua. Tak perlu letak. Ini yang penting ialah siapa sampel dia, kenapa umur 9 tahun? Kenapa lokasi itu dekat situ? Kenapa tak buat dekat negeri lain? Kenapa tak buat dekat Korea? Contoh dia. Jadi kena ada justifikasi dia. Kemudian bila sini, jadual berapa di atas. Okay. Awak buat huraian. Huraian huraian. Huraikan satu-satu beserta dengan ulang ayat ini dengan ayat panjang. Beri justifikasi kenapa pemilihan 20 pelajar? Kenapa SK Serdang? Jadi hurai dengan lebih jelas lagi. Dengan lebih panjang lebar lagi. Supaya tidak ada persoalan daripada pemeriksa. Katakan nanti bila dia tengok analisis data ataupun bab 3, 20. Awak tak kata pun dalam batasan kajian awak pilih 20. Boleh ke 20? Mulalah. Sebenarnya cerita pasal pelajar saja. Soalan yang ditanya oleh pemeriksa adalah 20 soalan tentang pelajar saja. Memang masa itu terkedu tak boleh nak jawab soalan. Jadi bila dah ada sini, pemeriksa baca balik, tengok balik jadual. “Oh saya faham, kenapa dia buat begini”. Dah ada justifikasi ini. Contohnya kenapa. Ni ada. Novel bertajuk novel Salina. Kenapa novel Salina. Kenapa tak novel yang ada beratus, berapa ribu kat pasaran dekat DBP. Jadi awak boleh justifikasi kenapa novel Salina ini kerana memenangi. Ini contoh ya. Memenangi anugerah bla bla. Ataupun menjadi buku teks tingkatan 5 pada tahun sekian sekian. Jadi awak letaklah justifikasi itu kerana apa. Dan pastikan justifikasi yang awak letak berdasarkan batasan ini memang justifikasi yang menyerlah. Sebab contohnya, ada pelajar dia buat tentang majalah. Majalah A contoh dia. Lepastu saya tanya. Saya tanya kenapa awak pilih majalah A. Kemudian pelajar jawab dalam justifikasi saya dah tulis bahawa majalan A telah memenangi sekian sekian sekian pada tahun sekian sekian. Bolehlah. Bolehlah kita ambil sebagai itu. Contohnya yang lain tentang cerpen. Cerpen yang diambil pada tahun 2000. Contoh 2015 hingga ini. Cerpen itu ambil daripada majalah sekian sekian sekian. Jadi mungkinlah justifikasi dia mungkin ialah dia memenangi anugerah juga. Jadi bolehlah dia ambil situ. Justifikasi ini mesti perkara yang penting yang menyebabkan kenapa awak memilih. Pilih bahan itu. Kenapa awak pilih sampel itu? Kenapa umur ini? Jadi semua itu perlu ada justifikasi dalam bentuk jadual. Kemudian buat huraian di bawah ini. Supaya ia lebih jelas. Bila lebih jelas, ia memang tidak ada persoalan daripada pemeriksa. Dan juga dalam ini jangan lupa kita kena ada penanda wacana. Supaya kita nampak sebagai penulisan akademik. Itu amat penting ya. Jangan lupa tentang batasan kajian.


4. Limitations of the Study (Chapter 1).  #Let'sWriteAThesis

So we continue in chapter 1, we have 1.7 which is the limitation of the study. This one also the student always makes mistakes or he/she forgets to put it. So usually, if I suggest in writing the limitations of the study, at first you can do it in tabular form. Okay in tabular form. So this is his/her limitation. This is justification. The limitation of this study is that we want to state what the justification is. Why did we choose that sample? Why did we choose that instrument? Why do we do questionnaires? So we have to put it down. For example, we place a limit of 20 students. 20 students of Serdang Primary School. An example. Okay. So justify. Why did you choose these 20 students. Okay. The 20 students you chose were 9 years old. Okay. Why did you choose? Why did you choose 20 students from Serdang Primary School? So if examiner asked, why 20? Why not 30? Why not 21? Why not 19? Justify. Then, why Serdang Primary School? If Serdang Primary School you want to put the second you can. Why Serdang Primary School? So state. Why not go to school in Perlis? Why not a school in Terengganu. So you have to justify why this school. Then there is more. Why. What choice do you have. Usually the limitations of your study are taken from the methodology. Okay. From the methodology about having a sample or has a respondent. The location of the study or you use a book. Form 5 Malay Textbooks. Why? Why choose that? Justify. Okay. In this justification you can put your sentence justification. Then put for example you have a reference that Normaliza Abd Rahim, 2019 says that this is this. She said that it is possible for 20 students. Here is an example. So you have a justification. Why the election of Serdang Primary School, according to the Minister of Education for example Serdang Primary School is a rural school. So that's why you choose it. But this is simple, in justification because this is stated in table. Tables. This is what the name of the justification is. Then you explain it, right now. This is written in tabular form. This taken from what methodology is. If you say you use an interview. Interview in this way. What is th justification. These things need justification. Sometimes there are people who do not put it because they already know how to interview everyone. Then no need to place it. The important thing is who sampled him, why is he 9 years old? Why is the location so close? Why not make it in another country? Why not make it in Korea? An example. So there must be a justification for it. Then when here, shown on table above. Okay. You make a description. Description description. Explain one by one along with repeating this sentence with a long sentence. Justify why the selection of 20 students? Why Serdang Primary School? So explain more clearly. With even longer width. So that there is no question from the examiner. Tell me later when examiner looks at the data analysis or chapters 3, 20. “You did not even say in the limits of the study that you chose 20. Can it be 20?” Get started. Actually, the story is about students only. The questions asked by the examiner are 20 questions about students only. Indeed, at that time you was stunned and could not answer the question. So when you are here, the examiner reads back, looks back at the schedule. "Oh I understand, why did he/she do this". There is already this justification. For example why. There is no question. The novel is titled novel titled “Salina”. Why novel titled “Salina”. Why not have hundreds of others novel, how many thousands in the market in DBP. So you can justify why this novel titled “Salina” is for winning. Here is an example. Winning the blah blah award. Or become a form 5 textbook in so many years. So you put that justification for what. And make sure the justification you place based on this limitation is indeed a clear justification. Because for example, there are students made about magazines. Magazine A for example. Then I asked. I asked why you chose magazine A. Then the student answered in my justification I wrote that magazine A has won so many years over the years. Not bad. Let's take it as it is. Another example is a short story. Short stories taken in 2000. Examples of 2015 to date. The short story is taken from so a magazine. So maybe his justification might be that it won the award as well. So let him take it. This justification must be the important thing that causes you to choose. Select the material. Why did you choose that sample? Why this age? So all that needs to be justified in the form of a table. Then create a description below. So that it is clearer. When it is clearer, it is indeed no question from the examiner. And also in this, do not forget we have to have discourse markers. So that we see it as academic writing. That is very important. Do not forget about the limitations of the study.



Prof. Dr Normaliza Abd Rahim. (2020). 4. Batasan Kajian (Bab 1). #JomTulisTesis.  Diakses pada Januari 8, 2021 melalui pautan

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Gambar Bukti Kehadiran Minggu 11


12. Menulis Artikel untuk Terbitan Dalam Jurnal. Jom Tulis Tesis. 

Okay jom kita tulis artikel. Biasanya pelajar master atau pelajar PhD diwajibkan untuk menulis artikel untuk terbitan. Jadi saya boleh ajar serba ringkas ya bagaimana kita nak tulis artikel yang baik yang boleh kita terbitkan. Jadi, pada pelajar yang belum pernah terbit dia akan rasa banggalah. Biasanya artikel dalam jurnal atau bab dalam buku, biasanya hampir sama. Jadi kita ada disini, kita ada tajuk, tajuk mestilah yang menarik ya yang menarik sehingga orang nak baca artikel kita. Kita sertakan abstrak, abstrak kita terpulang kepada jurnal tersebut yang mempunyai berapa patah perkataan kadang-kadang antara 250 hingga 300. Kemudian ada pengenalan, ada sorotan kajian. Sorotan kajian ni terpulang kepada penulis masing-masing. Kadang-kandang dia tak letak perkataan sorotan kajian, dia letak tajuk macam contoh ‘Animasi Cerita Rakyat’, dia letak tu dalam tu merupakan sorotan. Kemudian ada metodologi, keputusan dan perbincangan, kesimpulan, dan rujukan. Bukan bibliografi dah ia rujukan. Jadi, dalam yang ini kita mula-mula fokus kepada tajuk, tajuk tu kenalah menarik, biasanya tajuk tu kalau jurnal ke artikel ke biasanya tak boleh lebih daripada 20 patah perkataan. Jadi abstrak ini kita kalau tulis dalam bahasa Melayu kita tulis abstrak bahasa Melayu disertakan dengan abstrak bahasa Inggeris supaya ia lebih jelas. Dalam abstrak ini kita akan letak macam contohnya ayat lebih kurang lima ayat, empat atau lima ayat macam ayat mukadimah la ni. Mukadimah ni contohnya kita letak seperti latar belakang dan juga masalah yang dihadapi, masalah kajian sehingga timbulnya kita nak buat yang ini. Ayat ini diikuti dengan ayat objektif, kemudian ada metodologi. Metodologi ini kita kena letak la kalau ada sampel-sampel dan seterusnyalah sampai lokasi, kalau tak de tak payah letak macam tu. Lokasi kemudian semualah sehingga ke teori. Prosedur kena ada, cara analisis macam mana, analisis kena ada, kemudian daripada huraian kat sini kita letakkan kita punya keputusan, keputusan kajian kita tu kita letak dalam abstrak ni lah. Kita letak keputusan dan ayat akhir kita akan letak apa yang awak harapkan dalam kajian akan datang. Diharapkan kajian akan datang akan memberi fokus kepada apa dia, apa dia, apa dia. Ayat akhir mesti ada. Kemudian disertai dengan kata kunci. Okay kata kunci biasanya ada lima, kata kunci ada lima. Dan diteruskan dengan pengenalan. Biasanya pengenalan ini awak boleh letak dalam lebih kurang ya lah kita nak memperkenal ni kita letaklah kita punya latar belakang, kita nak ceritalah tentang apa nama ciri-ciri apa benda yang berkaitan dengan tajuk kita tu tadi. Jadi pengenalan ini kadang-kadang awak letak dalam satu perenggan, ini agak penting ya kerana ada jurnal yang dia sangat-sangat pertaturan dia sangat ketat ya. Pengenalan ni adalah orang, ada orang letak dalam bentuk sorotan pula dalam tu. Jadi itu yang kena reject. Jadi terpulang kepada jurnal yang ada lah, terpulang. Baca balik apa arahan yang diberi. Yang satu perenggan ni letak macam latar belakang tersebut. Kemudian masuk yang sorotan. Jadi ini satu perenggan ya. Sorotan tu tadi macam saya kata, awak boleh letak perkataan sorotan kajian ataupun awak boleh letak tajuk dia macam contohnya ‘Animasi Cerita Rakyat’, boleh antara dua, jadi sorotkan. Yang ini awak letak dalam empat perenggan, okay letak dalam empat perenggan yang mempunyai sorotan kajian lima tahun kebelakang sahaja. Okay, lima tahun kebelakang, dan juga perlu kritis. Jangan, macam yang saya ajar dalam Bab 2, kalau tak kritiskan, dia berdiri dengan sendiri je tak boleh macam tu. Maknanya, letak yang kritis. Maknanya bila huraian dalam satu perenggan tu ada satu nama, kemudian sokonglah dengan kajian-kajian yang lain, selari ke, hampir sama ke, sokong ke, letak kat situ. Juga letak yang negatif juga yang seperti ‘kajian ini, kajian Normaliza Abd Rahim, 2019 didapati tidak bersetuju dengan kajian yang dijalankan oleh ni, ni, ni, ni”, letakkan kepada dia tak setuju tu. Kena, itu namanya kritis mencari persamaan dan perbezaan. Okay ini dah empat perenggan dah, sebelum habis je daripada sorotan kajian itu ada ayat objektif. Ayat objektif ya, bukan satu subtopik. Biasanya ayat sahaja, dalam satu ayat iaitu justeru kajian ini ialah justeru daripada sorotan, masalah kajian ni semua ada jurang penyelidikan ya. Dalam sini semua ada jurang penyelidikan. Jadi, justeru kajian ini ingin mengenal pasti dan membincangkan apa dia, apa dia, apa dia, apa dia, satu ayat je. Jadi ini satu ayat, iaitu selepas sorotan kajian. Maknanya ini dah perenggan lain, ini perenggan baru. Jadi ini perenggan lainlah. Okay perenggan lain. Jadi perenggan tu ada satu je ayat. Kemudian terus masuk tajuk metodologi. Metodologi ini awak kena lengkapkanlah semua yang ada kat dalam metodologi awak huraikan. Awak kena huraikan macam sebiji yang ada dalam tesislah. Ada sampel, ada lokasi, ada prosedur, ada analisis, ada bahan, kalau misalnya ada bahan tu awak kena letak pulak sinopsis bahan, iya lah sinopsis novel contoh dia, sinopsis cerpen contohnya, sinopsis apa sahaja ceritakan ada lah ni semua ada. Jadi, ini ada prosedur, ini ada analisis, ha ini awak boleh rujuk, rujuk balik dalam bab metodologi penulisan tesis letak kat dalam ni. Kemudian barulah masuk tajuk keputusan dan perbincangan. Jadi dalam keputusan dan perbincangan ini, yang ini tadi teori pon kena ada ya dalam metodologi, keputusan dan perbicangan ini dia punya subtajuk kena lah kalau misalnya awak ikut teori, subtajuk mesti mengikut teorilah. Contohnya, ‘kandungan dalam interaksi perbualan’, contoh dia. Jadi maknanya, tajuk ini merupakan daripada teori. Ha lepas tu ada lah lagi ‘konteks dalam interaksi perbualan’, ‘andaian dalam interaksi perbualan’, ha begitu. Jadi ada lah disitu, huraian dia dalam ni samalah macam huraian dalam Bab 4, tak de masalah. Jadi yang ini terpulanglah, dia punya perenggan terpulang pada teori awak pilih. Kita ada banyak teori. Saya bagi yang teori analisis wacana ni teori yang saya ingat sekarang. Ada banyak lagi teori, teori kejuruteraan lain, teori sains lain, teori ekonomi lain, teori reka bentuk lain. Jadi berbeza. Lepas habis keputusan dan perbincangan, kita ada rumusan. Kalau kita tengok dekat sini ya, sebelum kesimpulan tu sebab kita ada nak rumuskan keputusan dan perbincangan, kita ada rumusan. Rumuskan, rumuskan dalam satu perenggan. Serupa juga dalam Bab 4 tesis kita, kita rumuskan, kita kena sokong. Sokong kajian yang atas tadi, dekat sorotan, yang ada dalam tesis lah. Maknanya yang ada dalam artikel. Jadi sokonglah itu, sokonglah teori. Cara penulisan dia sama dengan cara penulisan awak buat rumusan dalam Bab 4. Kemudian akhirnya, kesimpulan. Okay dalam kesimpulan ni, dalam ini saya dah jelaskan apa yang sepatutnya ada dalam kesimpulan. Okay dalam kesimpulan ni, menjelaskan manafaat yang diperoleh daripada keputusan kajian. Maknanya, awak jelaskan manafaat kepada siapa. Keputusan yang kita dapat ni manafaat kepada siapa. Awak jelaskan tiap-tiap satu dalam satu perenggan. Kemudian ayat akhir kesimpulan itu tadi, ini sama lah yang dengan awak manafaatnya tadi, memberi manafaat kepada siapa dalam kesimpulan. Dalam ini tidak perlu rujukan. Jangan ada rujukan pula dalam kesimpulan. Sebab kita dah ada rujukan dah sokong-sokong. Kesimpulan ni kita nk beri manfaat je jadi tk perlulah rujukan. Kemudian ayat akhir dalam kesimpulan kita letaklah ‘diharapkan kajian akan datang’, ingat tak ayat yang saya cakap tadi. Ayat tu ada dalam abstrak. Janganlah copy paste ubah la sikit ayat dia. Ada dalam abstrak iaitu ‘diharapkan kajian akan datang akan memberi fokus kepada lirik lagu cerita rakyat contoh dia. Jadi ada kaitanlah, ini macam cadangan kita, cadangan akan datang kita, inilah yang kita masuk dalam ayat akhir ni. Jadi dalam ini terpulang sebenarnya kepada jurnal atau bab dalam buku. Jumlah perkataan biasanya 5500. Ada yang orang kata jurnal yang sangat ketat dia punya peraturan, dia kata ‘okay satu artikel dia boleh terima 3000 je, jadi jangan lebih, kalau lebih biasanya dia suruh bayar. Terpulang kepada jurnal, ada jurnal dia kata ‘okay perlu 10000, ikut je lah patah perkataan dia. Ada jurnal dia punya subtopik ni berbeza. Subtopik berbeza, kita ikut ya. Terpulang kepada jurnal. Ini yang biasa. Ada jurnal yang kata ini, ini, ini, kita ubah la ikut jurnal itu. Jadi tulisan artikel ini untuk, artikel untuk jurnal, dan artikel untuk bab dalam buku pun sama sebenarnya. Penulisan ini memang biasanya kita kena ada. Kalau penulisan untuk pelajar sastera pun sama sebenarnya. Memang kena ada pengenalan, kena ada ni, ayat objektif, metodologi, keputusan dan perbincangan pun sama, cara penganalisis dia tengok lah awak nak pakai jadual, awak tak nak pakai jadual, awak nak sokong macam saya katakan awak nak sokong dekat rumusan ke, awak nak sokong dekat data ke masa huraian pon boleh takde masalah. Biasa ini adalah penulisan artikel, jurnal untuk semua bidang. Mungkin yang lain ialah terpulang kepada arahan yang di oleh jurnal tersebut. Jadi, yang penting juga, satu kena ada penanda wacana, ini kena ada lah, tiap-tiap halaman tesis kena ada, artikel pon ada. Nanti bila awak dh habis buat tesis, silap-silap hari bulan awak hafal semua beratus-ratus penanda wacana. Yang ada kat dalam buku ni sikit je, ha mungkin ada lagi banyak yang awak kena hafal. Penanda wacana mesti penting. Kemudian awak perlu semak banyak kali, semak dari segi ejaan, dari segi tatabahasa, semualah, semua kena semak. Pastu semak juga rujukan. Okay rujukan dalam artikel ada dalam artikel ada dalam rujukan, ada dalam rujukan ada dalam artikel. Ingat ya juga baca arahan tu berkali-kali. Dan juga yang penting yang macam saya kata tadi, kalau tajuk artikel tu tak menarik, orang pon tak nak baca. Kata kunci tu penting kerana di sini lah kalau kita taip kat google perkataan tu keluar kekadang artikel tu keseluruhan akan keluar. Jadi cari, kena pastikan semua kepentingan yang penting-penting ini semua ada dalam artikel awak. Kalau lihat disini, oh okay lupa saya, serupa juga dalam ini kena 70 peratus rujukan terkini. Jumlah semua semua artikel, semua rujukan, ini jumlah lima tahu kebelakang darab seratus sama dengan mesti 70 peratus. Dan juga kebanyakan artikel lah semua artikel pastikan tahun yang awak hantar artikel itu contohnya 2020, artikel yang 2020 ni mesti ada sekurang-kurangnya tiga. Mesti ada tahun terkini itu mesti ada tiga. Janganlah misalnya awak hantar artikel tu 2020, 2020 punya rujukan satu pon tak de, tak boleh, kena ada. Jadi jumlah tu kena kali dengan 70 peratus, dalam 70 peratus ni ada minima tiga artikel yang tahun itu, tahun yang hantar. Saya rasa kalau macam buat artikel ni tak susah, sebab kajian yang awak dah buat daripada tesis tu tadi sebenarnya awak boleh ambik, ubah ayat dia jadikan artikel, sebab kita ni sebagai penyelidik kita kutip data, kadang-kadang data tu berlebih-lebih, iya lah kita kena kutip data yang lebih janganlah kutip data ngam-ngam sebab nanti kang tak boleh nak kita pakai dalam tu. Jadi sebab itulah bila kadang-kadang tanya, pelajar tanya saya ‘Prof, saya punya data, saya dah ambik, saya temu bual pelajar ni, tapi kebetulan pulak kawan kepada pelajar tersebut dok berdiri je kat tepi tu, dia nak sangat ditemu bual, saya pon temu bual, jadi maknanya data saya lebih’, baguslah saya kata. Sebab nanti mungkin data yang ini tak cukup kita boleh pakai data yang itu. Ha jadi kita bersedia dengan data yang lebih. Biarlah lebih, kalau kurang kang jenuh la pula kena tunggu luar pagar lagi sekali. Heh tapi salah etika ya, tunggu luar pagar luar pagar tu semua salah etika. Perlu mohon kebenaran untuk mengutip data. Kebenaran kementerian kalau nak pergi sekolah, kementerian daripada sekolah, semua kena perlukan kebenaran. Awak nak kebenaran nak ambik data daripada anak buah kat rumah, anak kakak, anak abang kat rumah pun perlu kebenaran. Mahu abang dengan kakak tak bertegur lima tahun kalau ambik video anak dia, lepas tu masukkan data dalam tesis, mahu tak bertegur lima tahun kan tak dapat duit raya. Jadi pastikan dapat kebenaran. Biasanya ada kebenaran bertulis. Kalau kebenaran yang video pun ada, kan kena saman. Kalau kena saman kan sekurang-kurang awak ada ‘ini dia sebenarnya kebenaran saya dapati’ ataupun kalau misalnya dia kata ‘mana kebenaran awak, awak disaman ni 250,000 sebab tak berkebenaran awak temu bual pekerja saya’, daripada syarikat holding mana-mana. Jadi awak cakap ‘oh saya ada kebenaran daripada ini kebetulan dia punya pengurus besar dia kata boleh videokan, videokan gambar dia mengatakan kebenaran’, ha pakai je la yang itu pun boleh. Jadi pastikan ada kebenaran. Artikel ni semua ada kebenaran. Letakkan nama sampel contohnya, janganlah letak nama sebenar ya, jangan letak nama sebenar, letaklah nombor. Karang kan jenuhlah budak yang nama dia, nama pelajar itu contohnya Muhamad Yusof, ha ada lebih kurang 450 Muhamad Yusof datang tuntut saman ‘kenapa guna nama saya dalam ini?’. Okay.


12. Writing Articles for Publication in Journals. Let's Write a Thesis.

Okay let's write an article. Usually master students or PhD students are required to write articles for publication. So, I can teach you briefly how we want to write a good article that we can publish. So, for students who have never been published he will feel proud. Usually articles in journals or chapters in books, are usually almost the same. So, here we have a title, the title must be interesting, interesting title so people want to read our article. We include the abstract, our abstract is up to the journal which has how many words sometimes between 250 to 300. Then there is the introduction, there is a literature review. The literature review are up to the respective authors. Sometimes he did not put the word of literature review, he put a title like for example 'Animation of Folklore', he put it inside a literature review. Then there are methodologies, results and discussions, conclusions, and references. It is not a bibliography, it is a reference. So, in this one we first focus on the title, the title should be interesting, usually the title if the journal to the article to usually can not be more than 20 words. So, this abstract if we write in Malay language abstracts writing accompanied by an abstract in English to make it more clear. In this abstract we will place an example of a sentence of about five sentences, four or five sentences like the preamble verse here. For example, we put this preface as the background and also the problems faced, the problems of the study until the emergence we want to do this. This sentence is followed by an objective sentence, then there is a methodology. We have to put this methodology if there are samples and then go to the location, otherwise you don't have to place it like that. The location is then all up to theory. There must be a procedure, what kind of analysis, there should be an analysis, then from the description here we put we have the results, we put the results of our study in this abstract. We put the results and our final sentence will put what you expect in the next study. Hopefully future studies will focus on what, what, what. The last sentence must be there. Then accompanied by keywords. Okay keywords are usually five, keywords are five. And continued with the introduction. Usually this introduction you can put in more or less, we want to introduce this we have to put a background, we want to tell you about the name of the features and things that are related to our title just now. So, this introduction sometimes you put in one paragraph, this is quite important because there is a journal that have a rules he is very strict. This introduction, there are people placed in the form of literature review in there. So that's what to reject. So it depends on the existing journal, it depends. Read back what instructions were given. This one paragraph is like the background. Then enter the literature review. So, this in one paragraph. The literature review was like I said, you can put the word literature review or you can put the title of it like for example 'Animation of Folklore', can be between two, so highlight. This one you put in four paragraphs, okay put in four paragraphs that have highlighted the study five years ago only. Okay, five years ago, and also need to be critical. No, as I taught in Chapter 2, if you do not criticize him, he will stand on his own and cannot do that. Meaning, make it critical. This means that when the description in one paragraph has a name, then support it with other studies, parallel to, almost the same to, support to, put it there. Also put negative ones like ‘this study, Normaliza Abd Rahim’s study, 2019 was found to disagree with the study conducted by this, this, this, this”, put it to him who disagreed. It’s must, that's critis find the similarities and differences. Okay, these are four paragraphs, before the end of the literature review there are objective sentences. The objective sentence is not a subtopic. Usually just a sentence, in one sentence that is why this study is therefore from the spotlight, the problem of this study is all there is a research gap. In this all there is a research gap. So, therefore this study wants to identify and discuss what, what, what, what, one sentence only. So, this is a sentence, that is, after the highlight of the study. This means that this is another paragraph, this is a new paragraph. So, this is another paragraph. Okay another paragraph. So, that paragraph has one verse. Then continue to enter the title of the methodology. You have to complete all this methodology in the methodology you describe. You have to describe like the one in the thesis. There is a sample, there is a location, there is a procedure, there is an analysis, there is material, if for example there is material you have to put a synopsis of material, yes it is a synopsis of novels for example, synopsis of short stories for example, synopsis of whatever story there is. So, this is a procedure, this is an analysis, ha this you can refer to, refer back in the chapter on the methodology of writing a thesis put in here. Then enter the title of the decision and discussion. So, in this decision and discussion, this is the pound theory there must be in the methodology, decision and discussion he has the right subtitle, if for example you follow the theory, the subtitle must follow the theory. For example, ‘content in conversation interactions’, for example. So, that means this title is from theory. Then there is another ‘context in conversation interaction’, ‘assumption in conversation interaction’, like that. So, there it is, the description in this is the same as the description in Chapter 4, no problem. So, this one depends, has a paragraph depending on the theory you choose. We have many theories. I share this theory of discourse analysis theory that I remember now. There are many more theories, engineering theories are different, science theories are different, economic theories are different, design theories are different. So, it’s different. After the decision and discussion, we have a conclusion. If we look closely here, before that conclusion because we want to formulate decisions and discussions, we have formulations. Summarize, summarize in one paragraph. Similarly in Chapter 4 of our thesis, we formulate, we have to support. Support the above study, near the highlight, which is in the thesis. The meaning is in the article. So, support that, support theory. The way to writes is the same as the way you write the summary in Chapter 4. Then finally, the conclusion. Okay in this conclusion, in this I have explained what should be in the conclusion. Okay in this conclusion, explain the benefits derived from the results of the study. Meaning, you explain the benefits to whom. The results we get are beneficial to whom. You explain each one in a paragraph. Then the last sentence of the conclusion just now, this is the same with you the benefits just now, give benefits to whom in the conclusion. In this there is no need for reference. Do not have any references in the conclusion. Because we already have references and support. This conclusion we will give benefits so there is no need for reference. Then the last sentence in our conclusion is 'hopefully the next study', remember the sentence I said earlier. That verse is in the abstract. Do not copy and paste a few verses. There is in the abstract that ‘hopefully the next study will focus on the lyrics of folklore songs example him. So there is a connection, this is like our suggestion, our next suggestion, this is what we enter in this last sentence. So in this it really depends on the journal or chapter in the book. The number of words is usually 5500. Some people say a very strict journal has rules, he says ‘okay one article he can accept 3000 only, so don’t overdo it, if more he usually tells you to pay. Depending on the journal, there is a journal he said ‘okay need 10000, just follow the number of words. There are journals has different subtopics. Subtopics are different, we must follow. Depends on the journal. This is normal. There is a journal that says this, this, this, we change it to follow that journal. So, the writing of this article for, articles for journals, and articles for chapters in books are actually the same. This writing is usually what we have to have. If writing for literary students is actually the same. There must be an introduction, there must be this, the objective sentence, methodology, results and discussion are the same, the way the analyst sees it is you want to use the schedule, you do not want to use the schedule, you want to support like I said you want to support near the formula, you want to support close data to the time of pound description can be no problem. This is usually the writing of articles, journals for all fields. Perhaps the rest is up to the instructions given by the journal. So, the important thing is, one has to have a discourse marker, this has to be there, every thesis page has to exist, the article has pounds. Later when you finish your thesis, you mistakenly memorize all the hundreds of discourse markers on the day of the month. The ones in this book are a little je, ha maybe there is a lot more you have to memorize. Discourse markers must be important. Then you have to check many times, check in terms of spelling, in terms of grammar, everything, everything has to be checked. Also check the reference. Okay the reference in the article is, in the article there is in the reference, there is in the reference there is in the article. Remember to read the instructions many times. And also the important thing like I said earlier, if the title of the article is not interesting, people do not want to read. The keyword is important because this is where if we type in google the word comes out sometimes the whole article will come out. So look, you have to make sure all these important interests are all in your article. If you look here, oh okay forget me, similar in this need 70 percent latest reference. The sum of all all the articles, all the references, this is the sum of five know behind one hundred times equal to must 70 percent. And also most of the articles are all articles make sure the year you submit the article for example 2020, this 2020 article must have at least three. There must be a recent year that there must be three. Do not, for example, you submit the article 2020, 2020 has a one-pound reference, it is not allowed, it must be three. So, that number has to be multiplied by 70 percent, in this 70 percent there are a minimum of three articles that year, the year you submit. I think how to make this article is not difficult, because the study you did from the thesis earlier you can actually take, change the sentence he made into an article, because we as researchers we collect data, sometimes the data is too much, we have to collect more data do not collect data just enough because later you can not want us to use in there. So, that's why when sometimes ask, students ask me 'Prof, I have data, I have ambiguous, I interviewed this student, but it just so happened that a friend of the student was standing by the side, he really wanted to be interviewed, I pound interview, so that means my data is more ', well it’s good I said. Because later maybe this data is not enough we can use that data. Ha so we are ready with more data. Let it be more, if it is less saturated it will have to wait outside the fence again. Take not, that was a wrong ethics, wait outside the fence is all wrong ethics. Need permission to request data collection. Ministry permission if you want to go to school, ministry from school, everyone needs permission. You want permission to take data from the children at home, the children of the sisters, the children of the brothers at home also need permission. Want a brother and sister who have not been reprimanded for five years if you take a video of their child, then enter the data in the thesis, if you do not want to be reprimanded for five years, you will not get Hari Raya money. So, make sure you get the truth. There is usually written permission. If the truth of the video is there, you will be sued. If you are sued, at least you have ‘this is actually the truth I found’ or if for example he said ‘where is your permission, you are summoned 250,000 because you are not allowed to interview my employees’, from any holding company. So, you said ‘oh I have permission from this coincidentally he has a general manager he said can videotape, videotape he says the truth’, so it can be used it. So, make sure there is truth. This article is all true. Put a sample name for example, do not put the real name, do not put the real name, put the number. If not, boy whose name, the name of the student for example Muhamad Yusof, so there are about 450 Muhamad Yusof came to demand a suit ‘why use my name in this?’. Okay.


Prof. Dr Normaliza Abd Rahim. (2020). 12. Menulis Artikel untuk Terbitan Dalam Jurnal. Jom Tulis Tesis. Diakses pada  Januari 8, 2021 melalui pautan

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